Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The 5 main tips to looking great in tailored clothes

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to clothes and the same applies in Colorado Springs, there's no secret there. But if you have ever wondered why some people always seem to have clothes "that just fit" and hug their bodies?? Then, I can tell you now there is a good chance that man or woman's secret is a tailor or seamstress.
When companies produce their clothes they use a general shirt pattern that changes according to style or size, you need to remember that these patterns are created to cater for a wide range of different body types. This allows these companies a better chance to profit by selling a great amount of their clothes and reducing the chances of having dead stock.

If you want your clothes to fit just right you need to pay a professional accordingly for them to tailor to your body specifications exactly. They will need your measurements or better yet go in person.

I recommend going in person as the tailor can pin around your body for a perfect fit, this also ensure that you still have full mobility after alterations are made to your clothing. I tailor my clothes to tightly hug my body because I find it more comfortable for me, but each person is different and you should get your clothes tailored to your liking.

You can find quality tailors in Colorado Springs all over the city. Maybe you're a little low on cash but are off for a holiday in Thailand, PERFECT!!!!! OK so maybe you don't have the money to go on a holiday but you have a few nice dress shirts you would like to fit well in.

As I said there are a vast number of quality tailors all around the world and you can find a tailor in Colorado or you can find yourself a very posh well spoken English tailor in a foreign land all for very reasonable prices, this is all circumstantial upon your location.

The trick is to look around to find a tailor you like and feel comfortable with, because if you manage to find one that does incredible work you will no doubt be seeing a lot of him/her in the future continuously.

Most tailors actually give large discounts if their clients have been going to them for many years and have created a close professional relationship with them. 

The 5 main tips to looking great in tailored clothes:

1. Physically go in and get the tailor to take your measurements prior to making clothing alterations

2. Find a tailor or seamstress that you're comfortable with, and create a professional friendship with-this will save you money

3. Tailor your clothes at a nice looking tailor store- because if they don't take pride in their store they most likely don't take pride in their work!!!

4. Always tailor your clothes- its common knowledge that fitted clothes look more attractive, accentuate the right places by getting professionals to make alterations to your clothes.

5. Get in shape- this one will impact your life more than just looking good, but feeling good will benefit your life overall making you a happier person. Imagine the look on the ladies faces when a guy with a great build and well fitted clothes walks through the door, not to mention the jealousy the other guys will have of you. If you really want to look unbelievable hit that gym so you can tailor your clothes around your well sculpted body.

I hope these tips serve you well as you begin your search towards finding the perfect tailor, follow these tips and you will be well on your way towards looking great, and feeling even better!!!